Cost of Living in Birmingham for Students

 Accommodation Costs in Birmingham

Student Housing in Birmingham might cost between £131 – £282 / Week, private apartments between £1000 – £9500 / Month, and university halls cost £129- £165 / Week.

Eating in restaurants is more expensive than fast food. But breakfast prices are lower than lunch or dinner.


Utility Bills

If you choose student housing, you will have bills inclusive of utilities. Some university halls charge extra, while others provide inclusive utility bills.


if you travel daily by bus, take the monthly bus pass instead of a day pass; it will save you a lot of cash.

How to try to live on a budget in Birmingham

Try to find affordable accommodation and share it with friends

Start planning and budgeting your expenses

Eat more at home than outside

Things to do for free in Birmingham

Birmingham Cathedrals

Aston Hall Gardens

BOM – Birmingham Open Media

Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery

Ikon Gallery