Student Accommodation in Lithuania
100% Verified Properties

2 Mn+


2 Mn
Students Assisted

Global Cities
Vilnius University
ISM University of Management and Economics
Vilniaus kolegija | University of Applied Sciences
Vilnius Academy of Arts
Vilnius College of Technologies and Design - P.Vileisis Faculty of Transport Engineering
European Humanities University
Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theater, Faculty of Instrumental and Choral Music
Vilnius University Institute of International Relations and Political Science
Vilnius University Observatory yard

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How to find housing as an international student?
Finding housing as an international student is easy with platforms like University Living. We offer a range of verified accommodation options, including shared apartments, private studios, and purpose-built student accommodations (PBSAs), ensuring you have a safe, comfortable, and budget-friendly home near your university.
Where do most international students live?
Most international students in Lithuania live in university dormitories, private rentals, or PBSAs. For hassle-free housing, University Living provides accommodations tailored to international students, offering fully furnished rooms, modern amenities, and convenient locations.
Is Lithuania a good country to study abroad?
Yes, Lithuania is a great choice for studying abroad. It offers high-quality education, affordable tuition fees, and programs taught in English. Its universities are globally recognized, and the country’s welcoming culture makes it an excellent destination for international students.
Is Lithuania cheap to study?
Compared to other European countries, Lithuania is an affordable study destination. Tuition fees for international students range from €1,500 to €6,000 per year, while the cost of living is manageable, making it an ideal choice for budget-conscious students.
Can students get PR in Lithuania?
Yes, international students can apply for permanent residency (PR) in Lithuania after completing their studies. Typically, students must work and reside in Lithuania for 5 years on a temporary residence permit to be eligible for PR.